We are Psylent

The term "psylent" is derived from a combination of "psychology" and "talent," and it is pronounced as "sigh-lent." We are an award-winning HR tech company, deeply committed to revolutionising career services and recruitment.

We are Psylent

The term "psylent" is derived from a combination of "psychology" and "talent," and it is pronounced as "sigh-lent." We are an award-winning HR tech company, deeply committed to revolutionising career services and recruitment.

We are Psylent

The term "psylent" is derived from a combination of "psychology" and "talent," and it is pronounced as "sigh-lent." We are an award-winning HR tech company, deeply committed to revolutionising career services and recruitment.

A note from the CEO

Unleashing the power of you

Dear all,

At Psylent, our mission is clear: to democratise career guidance for all and remove biases from the recruitment process. We believe that everyone deserves access to personalised and unbiased support as they navigate their educational and professional journeys.

Did you know that a vast majority of individuals lack confidence when making crucial decisions about their studies, career choices, and the need for up-skilling or re-skilling? The journey from education to employment is riddled with uncertainties, leading to a confidence deficit in decision-making. Many students and professionals find themselves navigating their paths without adequate guidance and support, resulting in a process of trial and error.

Moreover, Career Services professionals are feeling the strain, with student-to-career coach ratios as high as 4,000:1. Empowering Career Services with AI is evident as we strive to bridge this manpower deficit and provide more personalised support to individuals.

The recruitment industry struggles with low self-awareness, social desirable answered and, as a result, individuals being mismatched with jobs, we are here to change this narrative. By leveraging unbiased data gathering and AI-driven solutions, we aim to revolutionise the career guidance landscape. Our goal is to empower individuals to make informed decisions about their careers, free from biases and false expectations.

Join us in this revolution as we work towards a future where career guidance is accessible to all, and everyone can find fulfilling and meaningful career paths.

Have a lovely day,
Sjiva De Meester
CEO of Psylent

A note from the CEO

Unleashing the power of you

Dear all,

At Psylent, our mission is clear: to democratise career guidance for all and remove biases from the recruitment process. We believe that everyone deserves access to personalised and unbiased support as they navigate their educational and professional journeys.

Did you know that a vast majority of individuals lack confidence when making crucial decisions about their studies, career choices, and the need for up-skilling or re-skilling? The journey from education to employment is riddled with uncertainties, leading to a confidence deficit in decision-making. Many students and professionals find themselves navigating their paths without adequate guidance and support, resulting in a process of trial and error.

Moreover, Career Services professionals are feeling the strain, with student-to-career coach ratios as high as 4,000:1. Empowering Career Services with AI is evident as we strive to bridge this manpower deficit and provide more personalised support to individuals.

The recruitment industry struggles with low self-awareness, social desirable answered and, as a result, individuals being mismatched with jobs, we are here to change this narrative. By leveraging unbiased data gathering and AI-driven solutions, we aim to revolutionise the career guidance landscape. Our goal is to empower individuals to make informed decisions about their careers, free from biases and false expectations.

Join us in this revolution as we work towards a future where career guidance is accessible to all, and everyone can find fulfilling and meaningful career paths.

Have a lovely day,
Sjiva De Meester
CEO of Psylent

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Interested in trying out Nina? Contact us now!

Interested in trying out Nina? Contact us now!